Friend are aplenty but it becomes progressively harder to make good friends as we mature. Perhaps it's because we perceive and form certain stigmas, and tend to refrain from opening our hearts immediately. I get hurt pretty easily from gossip and painful comments. It started from the competitive secondary school days and to protect myself, I think I unconsiously adopted the devil-may-care demeanour. Pei Huan changed all that. She taught me the meaning of God's love and generosity. I saw making friends in a different light. Then there were friends like Siding, Margie, Freda, Alvin, Joy..etc that affirmed the meaning of friendship..
That was how I started off in NUS. I have loads of people telling me how they think I'm unapproachable and all, but boy do they regret starting a conversation with me! I'm an insane chatterbox! -grin-
I met an equivalent in NUS, glam chick Pei Huan who coincidentally loves the same things as I do! I only got to know this lovely lady when I was in year 2 at Union Camp. We were neighbours in Sheares Hall(before I moved into Eusoff). We ate grapes together, ran to lose weight, baked in the sun trying to achieve a gorgeous tan and slogged our way to an outstanding presentation together. There's so much more, raving about the newest waist skirts, eating our favourite ice cream.. this girl simply made the journey in NUS more vibrant and colourful.
As much as Pei Huan would refuse credit for this, I have to say she influenced me for the better. She encouraged me to lean on Jesus, shared the Lord's bountiful grace, encouraged me whenever I'm stressed out, says the most heart warming simple prayers.. How can I ever put my gratitude into words? Thank you dear, for being you.. for making my days as sunny as my bright canary yellow dress... for going through the good and the bad with me.
Here's a mini collage of pictures.. for you my dear :) The smiles make me all melty and fuzzy inside.

We were at the techno edge (Nus engine canteen). It was a mini celebration for Pei Huan cause she just had her last paper today. She looked stylish in her get up. Impeccable washed out jeans in stretch, over-sized black top with a skinny slim belt clinched to emphasize the waist and that hairband thingy - so Serena Vanderwoodsen. I want that too! That will be my Phuket dress theme!!

Our simple affair of Nasir Padang and Hot plate teriyaki chicken noodle..

I adore the shot on the right. So girlish!!
And you have to know, Pei Huan is a DIE HARD M.A.C fan. She introduced me this limited edition shimmer powder that went so well with my tan when I tried it on the back of my hand. I wish I knew more about make-up. I wished I put on some nice make up to look as good as she does in the pictures.. My eyes are non-existent when I smile. All crinkled up into a line like LA PI XIAO XIN!-wails-
Techno-edge was CROWDED but it was a crazy photo-taking session.
I felt a sea of quzzical glances but you know how it is? When you're with a treasured friend, there's isn't such a thing as RESERVATION! Not with Pei Huan...
A close up view. Notice how Pei Huan's skin looks so good beside me? ( I'm black black :(..) She highlighted her cheeks with this amazing M.A.C powder. I forgot the name... but ya she taught me the importance of highlighting..
Thank you dear.. for the most wonderful time at lunch. Though it was for an hour and a half, I came back to my room feeling smiley and insanely bubbly. Amazing company with a treasured friend always makes me feel all melty and fuzzy inside, like molten hershey's kisses and a tad bit of champagne.

Thank you dear... for everything.. :)
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