Secret manual to protecting youself.. for girls only!
I just had the most hair raising, terrifying experience. I was trailed by a creep in broad daylight! Eeeeks. There I was, walking happily towards the bus stop when I realised there was this plump looking young guy all dressed up sitting at the benches of the void deck. As I passed by, he followed suit! Normally, I would be unaware of my surroundings but I think it must have been God's protection. My sixth sense just went haywire and my heart pounded as I decided to detour. The plump creep realised I was avoiding him cause I think my face must have turned white and I made it obvious that I WAS avoiding him. Initially, I was headed towards the nearer bus stop, but decided against it cause he was walking in that direction.
Just as I thought I was safe, he suddenly loomed out of behind me at the same bus stop! He had this creepy, insane smile! At that moment, my heart pounded. Mum said something about a guy lurking around our home and peeping through our windows. It could be him!
I have to thank God for his protection because just as I said a silent prayer, a cab drove by, I immediately hailed the cab and got in. When the cab drove by, I saw the guy staring weirdly into the cab. Thank God my wits didn't totally abandon me at the moment.
Just as I arrived at the Eusoff Hall lobby, I saw creep number 2! It was the same guy that took my phone in order to get my number! Last semester, I was running in the gym and this guy knocked on the window pane. I thought he was a Eusoffian who forgot his keys so I let him in. After my workout, he tried chatting. First he said he lost his transponder, then he said he's staying with a friend, and finally he admitted he wasn't from Eusoff. He asked if he could get my number and before I replaced, he conveniently took my phone and called his own mobile.
Louie met him once. I didn't tell him that was creep number 2 but Louie sensed he was weird. I told him after that and he adviced me to report the matter to the general office. That's cause creep number 2 walks by my room at 2 am, saying he casually passed by. You don't pass by A3! You don't casually climb all the way up to pass by you know..
So ladies, I think we all need to learn how to protect ourselves. Learn some wushu maybe? I've come up with a secret manual to helping you ladies morph from dainty girls to super intimidating looking ones!
Step 1: Muster the APPROPRIATE expression - guaranteed to intimidate most people. The trick is to suddenly morph into this expression so that even twisted creeps will think you're mad.

Step 2 : If step 1 fails, never fear! Do this! Break into a sudden a "smell dragon 18 plams"( xiang long shi ba zhang) stance and give a bruce lee wahdaaaaaa shout.

生平不做亏心事, 半夜敲门也不惊. :)
wo de hua yu bu hao (my mandarin isn't fantastic)
Thank you :)
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