A very special day is coming! It is a day that is full of love and warmth, little presents, heart melting smiles....no presents for the right guess!

YEAP Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And we lingered at Vivocity. Paul was getting his engagement ring. It's so sweet!!!!!! Of which I have to share something funny. The boys were lamenting on how they have to buy a ring that is of market standard - a diamond of 0.5 carat that is worth at least 3 months' salary ( around $9000 - $10000). The argued that they had to invest on a ring that could buy them an impressive plasma TV.
So the next day, I happily reminded Louie that my future ring has to be worth at least 3 months' salary since Paul set the benchmark. And he went.. dearie.. you don't need the ring.... you're worth much much more than that.. you're you're..you're
He meant priceless!! -chuckles- I had a good laugh. That was after I smacked him on the arm...

After the RING fiasco and snooping around topshop, we visited the pet safari. I love puppies and I spied one sleeping in the most creative position. It had its chubby leg plastered onto the glass plane and its body was somehow contorted in the opposite direction. Aww..

That is what I meant.

Other adorable breeds. Dearest Louie says that if I have to be his wife, I have to accept his terms of a BULLDOG! -wails- Nothing cute or majestic.. he likes goofy slobberish looking creatures ( except me) . He says the dog has to look stupid.. :(

After Vivo, we went over to Church of Sengkang at Punggol Marina to celebrate Dajie's B'day. Happy 29th!!!! We were waiting for Jas at the children's church so we took a few pictures with the colourful backdrop. My mum made the sun!!!!!!!!!!

Dinner will always be a feast with Daddy Tye around. He loves food you see.

I have to give my thumbs up for the mee goreng. The noodles were well cooked, extremely tasty and yet retained the firm texture.

Deep fried soon hock with soy sauce!

Crabs will always be on the menu. I am not one for seafood but I cannot resist dipping fried, crisp mantous into the savoury sauce...

It was an intense crab feasting session. Another graveyard created.

My lil sister can eat! She's very very VERY into crabs....

On Sunday, Louie, Flo, Viv, Tara, Paul and I had a bbq at Flo's rooftop. We shopped for the bbq ingredients over at Bedok.

Flo letting his inner child take over...

So Viv and I did it too!

Ahh all the hardwork for worldclass bbq, at least to me :)

Meimei happy advanced B'day :)
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