1 week before DP
Still up at 3:45 am. Just did a group assignment in advanced. What a busy busy week, with classes, tuition and dance practices. Slept at 4 am last night and dragged myself out of bed for class at 9, at 12, I went down to far east to buy the stuff for my dance and returned at 6:30 pm for dance practice. Despite the busyness, I feel contented. The thought of putting up my best during DP next Thursday spurs me on and I really want to give it my best, knowing that it'll be my last year at dance productions.
I had a really blessed week so far. I got to know Freda and Jessica even better. I shared my insecurities and fears, and some hidden secrets that less than a handful knew. It felt good letting my guard down, to have someone know the real you. I think I'm going to end my final semester with more treasured friends than I assume I would. Thanks girls, for the laughter and the listening ear. I can't believe I sat in Freda's room and talked from 9:30 to 12:30!
I miss Louie very much. He's been really busy as well. It must be because I've been telling the girls so much about him, how much we've went through. They say he's like the perfect guy -beams- BUT you know he snores!! ahhahaha.

Despite all that, I still love you dearie!
Freda and Jessica, I'm waiting for your fairytale endings too!!AND we all will!!!!!! -hugs- I had a great time this week, thank you very much!
Yes yes yes it does seem like you are living in a fairytale!! :D :D :D GRACE THE FAIRY!!!
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