Last Year Last Chance - Dp 07/08
Hello World! Sorry bout the lack of updates. To my dearest friends, here's my shout out! : "I'm still alive!" - grin- Been so caught up with Dance Production the last month, then it was catching up with school work. Fell terribly sick after that and then it was the CNY holidays. I'm still coughing like an ah ma but I'm happy!
Dance production 07/08 was huge success! I made so many new friends and this marks a great end to my last dance production :) I remember how just after the curtain call, Freda said, with her voice wavering, last year last chance already, I'll miss DP. I felt the flood of tears and this overwhelming sense of sadness took over. I have never cried after a dance performance or competition but this time, I teared uncontrollably.
Last year, it was dancing with Shu tin, Ding ding and the other A3 girls, this year as a choreo, I had to open up and get to know people. It takes me some time to warm up to people and I'm glad I did, because I got to know wonderful friends like Freda, Claud, Qitang(my co-choreo), Chang Yung.. etc etc... And especially to my dancers, each and everyone of them, who made my dance possible.
Nuff said! I'll probably bore you with all the emo-ness.. here's some pictures that marks the journey of the best DP I've had!
At full dress piecing : For 4 sats consecutively, we were cooped up in the function hall practising for 7-8 hours :) That doesn't include dance practice before piecing. 10 hours perhaps?
Thank you Joseph, these words mean more to me than you know.

Not forgetting Chang Yung, my dance partner last year. He has improved by leaps and bounds! His energy is remarkable!
Bunk in at UCC. With Adeline, an incredibly supportive friend.
And of course with dearest sexxxxyyy Freda!
Presenting our final speech and our handmade gifts! From choreos to dancers :)

Time for the final show. After 3 long months of practices. Here's to our big day! Qitang in his first dance - contemporary. I'm in my first outfit.

Yee Kiat! So SEXXYYYY huh!

My second dance by Margie, Xilin and Siding. I love their dance! So groovy!!! I'm glad they came back to choreo cause I miss them lots, particularly Siding, who was my neighbour 2 sems ago. I adore their choice of the gold tube.. H.O.T!

Then it was Freda's! I don't have any pictures of me in the cheery jester costume!! -wails-

Played around with the colour accent function abit. Red!!
Us, in our finale dance. Mass dance in our various costumes!

Terribly upset that I don't have more pictures. I lost my camera that night, so I wasn't able to take precious pictures with my family and friends that came to support. Florian, Paul, Evelyn, Joanna and my family!
Yee Kiat! So SEXXYYYY huh!
Terribly upset that I don't have more pictures. I lost my camera that night, so I wasn't able to take precious pictures with my family and friends that came to support. Florian, Paul, Evelyn, Joanna and my family!
Thank you for coming, especially to Joanna and Flo who had to come from work and they didn't drive. Thank you so much for being a part of my last dance production.
To Louie, thank you for the prettiest princessy flowers! I love you dearie..:)
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