Monday, April 2, 2007

Eunique dancers - backup dancers '07

Eunique + Jasmine Grace, Jas and Jo
Do we look alike?

My very last dance performance/competition of the semester's finally over. Eunique did backup for Jas on Sunday and it was lots of girlish fun. ACS barker is huge! They have a swimming pool too.. should have brought my swimming attire along. Got to know Margie, Xilin and Siding even better when we were doing our touch ups and make up before our item came up. Girlish gossip and cranky jokes just make my day. Babes, thank you for practising hard and being committed to the dance despite your hectic schedules. I love you girls!

I think I must have watched the video a zillion times because it's my first big scale choreo for a backup dance performance. Though I was a tad bit ( okay not a bit.. it's super disappointed) when Kelvin said it wasn't very synchonized. To quote him, he mentioned that we were individually good and had our own styles so putting the choreo tog was a bit of a problem. Thanks for being honest Kel.. and thank you for coming as well, at 10 pm just to watch the guest performance by Jas and Eunique. We could have done better with more effective polishing and practice. I shall do so the next time I do a choreo, that is if i have the chance to choreo again :)

After the endless crazy pictures, girlish giggle and cranky talk, my family went off to Newton Circus for supper. Because the Tye family comprises of initimating daddy, pretty mummy and three other hungry daughters, we ate quite a bit for dinner. The thing about having a large family is that we get to order a variety of dishes and wipe everything out ..-grin-

Anyways, back to the performance. I forgot to mention that my darling sisters, Jas and Jo both guest performed for talentquest 2007. They're a talented duo and both sang equally well. I'm so proud of you girls! Jo looked mature and pretty while Jas carried off her edgy image rather well. -hugs- Timothy, the organiser, was raving about how rare the three sisters get to perform together.. we did huh? yay! I hope there'll be many more performances like that together.

Dad, Mum, Louis, thank you for coming, for lending your support though the singing competition's probably not your cup of tea. Thank you for being such a sweetheart, coming all the way with dinner for us and waiting till the end of the event to watch my short stint of a backup dance. -hugs- You made me happy..


J.P said...

Hullo Sista! :)

Love love!

Yay, Tyes Rock... Wahahahahahaha... glad that the 3 of us performed tgt on the same day. And we all had each others' support!

Hugs :)

grace said...

Ya babe! I'm really proud of you and our family. I love you lots. Can I take you out for dinner sometime soon? Friday's a public holiday! I like you mission trip photos..very reflective -hugs-