jessica alba!
Dearest family and friends, I've found a new love, an "almost-obesssion" - Jessica Alba. She is such a babe! I find myself surfing for her pictures at 3 a.m in the morning and am practically going crazy over her pictures on-line! I hereby proclaim that Jessica Alba is a true hottie..
Alright.. I confess, I'm a little cranky from studying... but she IS HOTSEXYSWEETALLINONELETHALCOMBINATION!

They say she has an ass from God... how true

This is the bikini I'm hunting for. I found a similar top but not the nude bottom. It's gorgeous!
I love the sky blue dress and leather waist belt..chic,sexy,sweet. Oh and that casual outfit too! those shades wouldn't hurt either....

I love the tan, gorgeously defined back and those curves....

I hereby proclaim that I WILL go officially go on a strict diet and exercise regime to get a super toned, tanned, sexy, slim, dancer bod. For the record, Jessica Alba can dance! (think Honey). I issue a challenge to myself, Grace Tye Mei Chee to lose 3 kg and tone up every bit of flab in my 1.62 m and 46 kg frame! Ooooo I gymmed and swam today! -big happy grin- Oh yes I forgot to mention that after my exams, I WILL hunt for that blue dress, perfect skinny jeans and utra tight white tank and that droolworthy bikini!
Three weeks before my diving trip:

Will put up an update on my progress after my dive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're already quite a babe. No need for further nosebleeds
toning up is good.
but who say u 1.62m huh!!
oodNana I really am 1.62! I grew!! wahhahahha.. u know sometimes when I measure, I'm 1.63m!!! I read your blog.. super happy for you! You're going to be a superhotprettyelegant air stewardess!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JOAN. :))
I'm doing great! I'm so happy with poly life... :D
ahem.. nono you cannot. I shall be imitation no. 1.. u no. 2! She's hot.. okay shall visit you in poly sometime! babe..u have to get facebook. It's super better than friendster. Get all your friends to join too! you can check out my account to see what it's like but you have to sms me for password and username..sshhhshh secret!
No, i long time already booked Jessica Alba's name! You go and see my friendster profile lor! It's been there for ages. :PpP
Nooooooo.. anyway jo, Louis found the Jessica Alba bikini online..super nice!!!!!!! you want to check out the bikinis?
No need lahhhh!
Still no figure to wear bikini yet. WAKAKAKAKA! :D
my dear sis..i think u lost a lot of weight! u looked pretty in the hip hop attire...update your blog more often cause i'm getting to know abt your life thru it! can i meet monster soon?
as in for a meal or something
Ah hahaha! :D
Okay! Since your exams've also ended already! Yay! I'll ask him to have lunch with you :)
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