Friday, April 6, 2007

A lovely day...

A Happy grin from a Happy girl..

I springcleaned my room today and I'm proud of it. Grace's room smells good and the floor is free of hair! I met the dean of science today to request permission to take my minor and he was really supportive about it! I'm so happy! - big wide grin- Decided to reward myself on some grocery shopping at Vivocity today. There's just this addiction of walking into a shelf full of chocolate goodies.. not to mention that my limbs automatically take me to Candy Empire after my trip to the supermarket. Retail therapy... anyway Kel gave me a lift to Vivocity. Thank you Kel.. especially for the yellow card! My new love... yellow.. it helped a lot and I feel better!

Yushun came over my room when I was springcleaning it. He caught me at an unglam moment especially with clothes strewn all over and rubbish on my table. Still, I'm glad he did come over cause it was a nice long chat over silly events. I've known my senior since my Anglican High days and I'm still amazed at how he's still single after all this time. He's intelligent, kinda cute in a Korean star sort of way and sporty as well. He's just a little shy I think.. but hilariously funny once you get to know him. Here's photographs of him..

He's cute alright! I like the crinkle around his eyes when he smiles.. it's like Rain's cause he has small eyes! (like me). He has only had one girlfriend before and he took a while to get over her. How sweet! Yushun, if you're reading this and wondering if you need to pay me to advertise you like that... you can heave a sigh of relief because I'm writing down what I feel. I'm glad that we got to know each other even better in NUS ( he resides in Temasek Hall) and it's rare to have a 10 year friendship when we didn't start off as the best of friends. You've been the best MSN listening ear around and I'm glad we're catching up with each other despite the busy exam period. I'm having dinner with him at Bizad on Monday so you can check him out. -chuckles- It's the shyboy, Korean looking fad nowadays..

It's almost 3 AM now and it's bedtime for me... goodnight world -big happy smile-


Anonymous said...

Haha, why you think everybody looks like Rain!! Lol.

Anonymous said...

i'm flattered lol.. hahaha! now if only people would pay like SGD8.88 to see me, that'd be nice..

grace said...

-big grin- I don't know. Maybe I need to wear glasses or something.. been seeing RAIN a lot lately. It's the slitty-eyed adorable smile thingy! Amanda, can't wait for sunday to come!

grace said...

-lol- people pay to see you? ya i think $8.88 is a reasonable price... you need to hone your rain-ness first! anyways, don't you think the photos I uploaded of you are nice? I stole them from your friendster account.. -grin-