Some photos from dinner and dance '07. The program wasn't exactly fantastic but the company of my darling A3 girls made the night memorable. From front left: Qingmei, me, Andrea, Yuimin, Lorraine. Shuting's right at the back. The theme for dnd was W.A.R - wear anything related and we decided that it meant we are ragdolls. We spent hours shredding our "pink wig" and to put together our costumes. Can you imagine our reaction when all our hard work drew horrid comments like "wow, you guys make cute french maids" FRENCH MAIDS!!!!!!!!!! Men! They have no sense of imagination. I mean check our makeup out! We had to endure two red spots on our faces, blood-red lipstick and tonnes of eyeliner. ooooooo I so can't believe they didn't get it. Speaking of which, I have to say that Andrea made commendable effort in shredding her wig along the way. She looked hilarious doing her last minute dressing up. Thank you girls... the memory of dnd is priceless.


It was Eusoff's "culture night" last night and this year it was held in conjunction with the M.A.B award ceremony. Winnie, Jing xuan and I started practising on monday and we had to put the item up on wednesday. It went better than expected, thanks to their hard work and encouragement from people around me. It wasn't perfect due to some synchronising problems here and there but overall, I'm really very happy with what we managed to put up. Thank you for being such sweethearts girls. I'm glad you babes didn't mind my choreo cause it's a different style from what you all are used to. Anyway, while we were in the dance studio doing our warm up while waiting to put up the opening item, Jingxuan said something real sweet. She said she thought I looked scary and unapproachable when she first saw me at Dance Blast practise but I turned out to be real nice! Winnie said the same thing too. She said she was apprehensive about doing the item with me until I spoke to her during our first meeting.She said I was gentle and friendly. These little encouragement from them are so heartwarming. Here's what Jingxuan said in her e-mail to me as well.
hi grace..!
jingxuan here.. these are your photos!! really nice to have the chance to perform w/ u.. you're sooooo nice and pretty!!! haahaa..
stay cool.
Thanks dear.. it was sweet dancing with you girls as well.
Combined photo with the Eunique girls
Posing with lovely Amanda after dance
Gorgeous Betty, looking radiant after her wedding photoshoot. She's a great dancer and choreographer. Very patient with her dancers too...

Has anyone told you that you're beautiful? You have a stunning smile
grace! (: i haven't spoken to you in the longest longest time...
Me too dear! How is it over there? I see your nick being so sad all the time... will you be back in Eusoff next sem? I'm still staying! Will you move to Block A? ah... oh can I have your addy? I've got to send some willy wonka chocs to you!
haha...i'm good dear. having a great great time! mm hmm..i'll hopefully make it back into hall. no..thinking of staying on e3..i like it there...esp the sun-less side. (:
i have a blog's old.
my address is
186 La Rue Road Apt 152
Davis, CA 95616
your birthday is coming! i'm sorry i can't be there..
It's alright! Just promise that we'll have a good meal together when you get back? Update pretty pics on your blog too! I'll send you something nice soon! :)
heyz gal... nice blog... same back ground as mine... haha... ;)
aww..thank you kelvin. Send me our photos too! Got to upload it. :)
Meet up soon ya
Good words.
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