WonderfulFantasticfun weekend
Had a fantasticfun weekend! Went to DXO with Louis and monster to support Jas and Jo's event. They were MCs for DXO's school's out which was an event catered for 17-19 year old students -mainly from poly and JC. I felt terribly underdressed with hardly any glam make up on and a simple top and skirt. The crowd really vamped it up with their short skirts, skimpy uniforms and killer heels! The guys suspiciously resembled paul twohill with their ohsotight skinny jeans. I suspect they're the female cut! Age's probably getting to me.. after missing out clubbing for so long, I kind of forgot how it was like. The ratio of guys to girls was 8:1?
Jo and Jas did a great job despite the poor response from the crowd. The number of people that attended the event was overwhelming but they were not too responsive to the programmes. I managed to hook up a hottie though.. the only one in the club i think! -grin- He came with me to the club and even danced with me though according to him, his signature moves were stepping to the right and stepping to the left. He was so sweet and it was lovely dancing with him for a while. He made me smile!!! Terribly underdressed and under made up
Jo and Jas in their cute event outfits
Monster and jo :)
My hottie..... -big toothy smile-
Not too wonderful picture of the crowd. It was really crowded! Tonnes of kinky schoolwear, killer heels and short skirts
Had dinner with my family and Louis on sunday. It was a steamboat buffet! It was so good cause the quality of the ingredients was top grade! Fresh prawns, beef etc. I love the variety of vegetables! After that, we went to watch Ocean's 13. I loved the show! Especially Matt Damon, the nice geeky guy! I love the intelligence behind the movie. Dad sent Louis home and I could tell he liked Louis a lot. He complimented Louis on being a good guy. My dad doesn't compliment people readily and if he does, it probably means a lot! I'm so happy about it...-big smile-

My model for the day: pretty jo. Was practising the function on my camera -colour accent. Look at how arty farty my pic is! I'm going to be a potential photographer!! She looks pretty eh? Red was the focus in the photo!!!At the restaurant. Jo's getting prettier and prettier!
Another colour accented photo. Yellow! It looks good!!!!!!!!
Tada!! My favourite photograph of the day. Jo and I dressed in yellow. I love my darling sister!
Thank you for the weekend.. it's so nice seeing you after an exhausting week at work. Thank you for taking my family out too. I miss you..
hurhur i bet u r having fun with ur cam. but yellow will make the subject look sickly ya. hurhur, dinner soon!
oh no worries abt the msn, i leave my on a lot anyway.oh it feels great to know ur Gfs parents like you. haha. anyway, i had steamboat at "tian tian huo guo" the one at middle road, quite bad, where did u guys go? funny , recently , i'm really into steam boat.
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