mindless rantings

It's 1 :20 am! Just came back from Town with Jas and Louis. Thank you for such a wonderful time. Just yesterday, I was shopping with Jo and Jas! The shopping fever is back. I think shopping is therapeutic and perhaps and extremelyEFFECTIVE antidoxant. It improved my already powerful detox system to a higher level! Mind you, I am not having diarrhoea but I seem to visit the toilet more. 5 times yesterday and 6 today! OoooOOoo my poor family members! I'm sorry if this entry killed your appetite but i JUST had to tell the world how shopping is good for man! Muahhahahah
Jo and Jas, I'm so glad that we're spending so much time together these days. Now that you girls have grown up, I feel that our relationship is stronger than ever. I love how it is with Mum and Dad, especially on Sunday when dad brought us to eat beef noodles and then dessert (new york choc cheese cake). Dad's the coolest guy. He dresses well, is update with technology, not afraid to learn and knows the best makan places in Singapore. He gave us all a significantly generous sum of money to shop too, since it's the Great Singapore Sale. Dad's not the typical guy. He encourages us to dress up, be an entreprenuer and is extremely supportive of our performances, like dance and singing. How cool is that?
I'm happy for my sisters too. They seem happily in love. I love the way monster treats my baby sister. I think they're sweet together! -sigh- SADLY my internship starts tomorrow and it's going to be a busybusybusy week for me. I'll take Jo, Jas, Monster and Mr P out for steamboat dinner soon! I love steamboat dinner!
I think I'm turning in now. A horridly busy week ahead. Oh yes, pls sms me your number? My phone's damaged! Jereld, leave me an sms? I don't have your number now! Couldn't contact you today.. and Jh, nice knowing you! Goodnight everyone. I hope you all have a wonderful week ahead.
p.s I hope your knee recovers dearie.. -hugs-
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