Monday, June 25, 2007
Sentosa - island life, love it

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2:09 PM
Friday, June 22, 2007
End of Ogilvy week 1
It's friday at 5:46 pm at Ogilvy. The building's alive with Karaoke, booze and plenty of finger food! My gosh.. can I get more in love with Ogilvy? Yes! Just 2 days at Ogilvy and I'm determined to work at the biggest advertising agency worldwide. I've added my colleagues on facebook, talked non stop and had wonderful lunches! Today's menu was ultra spicy ramen and it made me visit the loo 4 times. The party's on because half the people in the building are given ALL EXPENSE COVERED retreats to Phuket, cab fare generously sponsored mind you. The other half's partying cause they're jealous! They'll get their retreat soon! I'm jealous!!! -chuckles- oh no it's another bad karaoke now.. I LOVE ROCK AND ROLL with an American Twang. The ladies are laughing. My face is cracking! There's a trend among my ladies here.They hit the gym during lunch and it's no wonder they're all so lovely! Advertising's where you see the best looking people with style. Tanned toned sporty ones, clear skinned slim ones... it's a paradise! Looking forward to our first groupie outing next week at Bar Stop! It's a chic, wonderful place to chill out -big smug smile-
Oh and two my dear friends who are enjoying themselves abroad right now:
JH: take care and have a smashing good time at Europe!
Jereld: enjoy diving and I hope you bring back a droolworthy tan!
Posted by
5:43 PM
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Had a full day at Mediacorp today. The day started at 7 am and filming ended only at 7 pm. I'm famished. Nothing beats coming home to a warm shower and picking on tiny munchies to fill that hunger. Filming's tiring due to the countless NGs and taking one scene from 10 000 different angles. Thank God for the wonderful cast. I met Andrew (who was supposed to dump me) yesterday. He made filming easier by being incredibly supportive. He urged me to relax and had the sweetest things to say in order to encourage me.
Had a bit of a headache from breathing in too much ciggie smoke and didn't feel too well during break time. Messages from JH and Andrew really made my day. Thanks for dropping an sms!! It feels wonderful to know that your friends care for you that much. Andrew, it was great knowing you! I'm sure you'll make it big!! You're a hottie!!!!!!!! Thanks a mil for taking the bus with me!!
I'm so sleepy!!! I think I better turn in now. I'm starting work at Ogilvy!!! Meeting my darling A3 girls for dinner after work and I can't wait. Goodnight world!!
Posted by
8:43 PM
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Happy Father's Day!

Posted by
10:53 PM
Saturday, June 16, 2007
thank you for not smoking
I had a chat with Jh last night. It's funny how I enjoy late night chats with him online. I found out that we're both april babies! He's a great person to talk to..encouraging, genuine and he looks like Torro! (kinda cute in a boyband sort of way) He remarked that I seem to have an almost perfect life. My family, friends and of course Louis. I guess I do and I thank God for it. I'm not the richest, or prettiest or most talented person alive but I'm contented with what I have. It's the simple pleasures we find in life and appreciating them gives me the joy each day. I was just packing my notes and little gifts from friends this morning and I came across this letter that Louis wrote the day after we had a time out because of my insane need for him to quit smoking. If it wasn't for Shuting and Mars, I'll probably regret my impulsive decision to break up with him. Perhaps it was an excuse from staying in a relationship after I got out of a painful one from Jeremy. I'm not too sure. I don't think smokers are bad.I've got wonderful friends that's just that there's too much pain for me when I see a loved one smoking. Jem used to promise me that he'll quit. Yet time and time again I'll bump into him smoking with his friends. He'll have that glazed cold look in his eyes.. and he'll apologise and say that he really needed it. I understand the dependency behind it and I know it's hard to quit but there seems to always be a reason behind taking that cig up. It'll be because of me..what I've done..his work..etc Sometimes it's to the extent of him wanting to have a good time with his friends at the club..trying to be outstanding by getting himself drunk and high.. I carried that guilt whenever he said it was cause of me... eventually I got weary of it. It came to a point where I couldn't ask him why he's smoking. He would just try to cover up.. all that promises to quit just didn't mean anything.
When Louis told me he would. I thought I could trust him because he's different from Jem, then again he would still do it. Knowing that his good friends smoked, the ones he hung out with did just didn't help. Ask me why smoking is wrong? I can honestly tell you I don't know. I fear the only reason is that smoking is bad for health. It's probably like's addictive and it is a social thing. Life now is just different from the past. We progressively become like the West. Smoking isn't a crime for those eligible. Out of my social circle, I think only a handful doesn't smoke at all. The funny thing is smokers these days are well educated, well dressed and attractive people. They're confident about smoking, open about it and to some, it's actually an accesory in photographs. You see women holding ciggies in pictures.. with that glazed look in their eyes. Perhaps I'm over imaginative or maybe it's cause I don't smoke and I watch. I wonder what it'll be like 10 years later. Will my children smoke? How would I feel then?
I don't mean to offend but God gave us this temple - our bodies. He didn't make us to depend on anything materialistic in this world but him. Is smoking = herroine addiction? Is it a drug..a milder version of drug addiction? I'm not the purest person in the world. I've done things I can say I'm ashamed of but time after time, God pursues. I believe many would go bah... I really don't mean to sound all righteous and stuff.. I just want to say that if you have any reason to quit at all..let it be the main focus right now. I know it's not easy but you'll have loved ones there for you.
There are times when I fear that Louis is smoking. Ting says it's okay to ask him cause she questions Mars about it. Ther's always this nagging feeling that one day he might just say he did and give some reason for it. He told me once that there will be times that he'll smoke because his friends ask him to, especially since he's not dependent on it now. I guess if I love him, I have to compromise on that. I'm really happy that he's done a great job so far.. becoming independent on ciggies.. I just wish there's a better reason for taking it up again. What is the definition of quitting? It seems unclear.. I think i can't ask for too much as well. Who am I to tell someone that he has to do something? It has to be out of his will.
Anyways, I've always said that I can't act. I took up this role because it's sort of an anti smoking campaign. If I end up looking like crap on TV, I think it's still for a good cause. Pick up smoking and it'll be tremendously difficult to quit. I've seen so many attempts at quitting but at the end of the day, the drug comes back to haunt. Ciggie companies are earning millions despite all the gruesome photos on the Cig packet. Don't make them any richer.. There are children in 3rd world countries that can make do with that money...
Posted by
12:11 PM
Friday, June 15, 2007
Crazyfantasticfun pictures!
Here's a prelude to Father's day dance tomorrow. -laughs uncontrollably- This is by far, the crankiest outfit I'ver ever put on for dance. Usually it's sexyhot but THIS... is well.. HILARIOUS!!!! -grin-
Posted by
7:32 PM
I've got the dream internship!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got my internship at Ogilvy and I'm elated! Thursday's interview went pretty okay cause I thought they asked standard questions. I didn't realised that I gave rather impressive answers till Louis told me they were non textbook replies. That's probably the reward for a 3 hour intensive article reading session. Ogilvy & Mathers is a Multinational advertising firm and they've got clients like Motorola, IBM, dove etc. I read on a blog that the building looks like Prada's. I was a little overwhelmed by the gorgeoustodie for lighting and interior of the 4th storey and I fell in love with the way men and women are dressed. It wasn't typical corporate wear but it was a lethal combination of sexychictrendyboldness. There was this woman with short red cropped hair, tight fitting red tube with a pretty brooch and slim grey pants with a thin gold belt. Then there was this super tanned looking, sporty guy with a enviably cut stripped shirt and khaki pants. Nice hair too! I think I'll embrace advertising! It's not just about working in teams, meeting clients, having that 5 secs of fame and all that todiefor clothing. I think advertising is a continual challenge. Behind the obvious need of creativity and innovation, I think it's also team cohesiveness and determination needed that would be a challenge. I love how advertising develops your personality as well. My interviewer Jacklyn, is a handsome woman with charisma. Her handshake, dressing, way of conversing is impressive. It's the confidence that modern day women should be proud of. I'm so excited about starting work on wednesday! That's after filming for mediacorp on monday and tuesday! I'm taking up a role la :) Filming's going to be super tiring. I can't wait for Wednesday to come!
Caleb, thank you for keeping me in prayers. You're one of the most encouraging mentors ever! AND your remark" that's what guys love you girls for" is so sweet!!!! Will be praying for you too! Get that MBA!!! :)
JH, a BIG thank you for being the most encouraging MSN listerner. When I was up at 2 am, desperately thinking of what to wear, you had the sweetest thing to say!! I did take your advice and smile lots.. -grin- Sometimes, when I look back, I really am amazed at how I got to know you as a friend. You're such a genuine person.. thank you very very much. -big smile-
I'm so glad everything worked out and I have to thank the Lord for it. He is truly the provider and I am blessed to be able to turn to him. :)
Before the world began, you were on his mind
And every tear you cry is precious in his eyes
Because of his great love, he gave his only son
And everything was done so you would come
Come to the Father, though your gift is small
Broken hearts, broken lives, he will take them all
The power of the word, the power of his blood
Everything was done so you would come
Sherlynn, you're still in my prayers .
Posted by
6:16 PM
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
video clip of dance perf!
Sherlynn! Remember I said I would upload some dance vids? Sorry I've only done one so's not a very good one cause I had only 2 days to choreo and prac. I'll put up more soon! Hope you're feeling better.
and Jh, you sound so happy nowadays! I'm being infected by you.. hope your week goes well. I got an interview on thurs with an MNC advertising firm! I'm so excited about it!! :)
Posted by
5:49 PM
Monday, June 11, 2007
WonderfulFantasticfun weekend
Had a fantasticfun weekend! Went to DXO with Louis and monster to support Jas and Jo's event. They were MCs for DXO's school's out which was an event catered for 17-19 year old students -mainly from poly and JC. I felt terribly underdressed with hardly any glam make up on and a simple top and skirt. The crowd really vamped it up with their short skirts, skimpy uniforms and killer heels! The guys suspiciously resembled paul twohill with their ohsotight skinny jeans. I suspect they're the female cut! Age's probably getting to me.. after missing out clubbing for so long, I kind of forgot how it was like. The ratio of guys to girls was 8:1?
Jo and Jas did a great job despite the poor response from the crowd. The number of people that attended the event was overwhelming but they were not too responsive to the programmes. I managed to hook up a hottie though.. the only one in the club i think! -grin- He came with me to the club and even danced with me though according to him, his signature moves were stepping to the right and stepping to the left. He was so sweet and it was lovely dancing with him for a while. He made me smile!!! Terribly underdressed and under made up
Jo and Jas in their cute event outfits
Monster and jo :)
My hottie..... -big toothy smile-
Not too wonderful picture of the crowd. It was really crowded! Tonnes of kinky schoolwear, killer heels and short skirts
Had dinner with my family and Louis on sunday. It was a steamboat buffet! It was so good cause the quality of the ingredients was top grade! Fresh prawns, beef etc. I love the variety of vegetables! After that, we went to watch Ocean's 13. I loved the show! Especially Matt Damon, the nice geeky guy! I love the intelligence behind the movie. Dad sent Louis home and I could tell he liked Louis a lot. He complimented Louis on being a good guy. My dad doesn't compliment people readily and if he does, it probably means a lot! I'm so happy about it...-big smile-

My model for the day: pretty jo. Was practising the function on my camera -colour accent. Look at how arty farty my pic is! I'm going to be a potential photographer!! She looks pretty eh? Red was the focus in the photo!!!At the restaurant. Jo's getting prettier and prettier!
Another colour accented photo. Yellow! It looks good!!!!!!!!
Tada!! My favourite photograph of the day. Jo and I dressed in yellow. I love my darling sister!
Thank you for the weekend.. it's so nice seeing you after an exhausting week at work. Thank you for taking my family out too. I miss you..
Posted by
3:50 PM
Sunday, June 10, 2007
dedicated to my dearest friend
Dearest Sherlynn,
I'm not sure when you will be reading this but when you do I hope you're alright. I went to your dad's wake last night. Peng, you and I cried uncontrollably. The pain of loss was too overwhelming. The memory of you shaking in tears when I hugged you is still vivid. My dearest friend, though Peng and I would make fun of you endlessly in the past over your emo moments, I want you to know that it is alright to cry. In fact, I think you have to be the bravest of us three. I didn't know what to say last night, how to comfort you. I guess words are pointless at the moment. I just want you to know that Peng and I and all the ex sports class girls will always be here for you.
You are one of the best friends I've ever made in life and you will always be in my prayers. Stay strong alright? Uncle's going to be proud of you cause even as a friend, I am. Each time you feel lost, you feel like giving up, give me a call? We all need a listening ear sometimes. Most importantly, our Father in heaven will be there for you in more ways possible than we can imagine. I experienced that myself in times of pain.
Peng, Pok, I miss you girls so much. Reminicsing about the old anglican high school days and how grown up we are makes me miss you girls even more. Back then, Peng was always the one who was the gorgeous one that would surprise anyone by sprouting some insane nonsense where everyone would be stunned into laughter. Image was probably the least on her priorities when it came to friendship. She is still that same old girl today. Pok would be the one that everyone would tease about.. her loud, crystal clear voice, her hair... and you're still that same lovable girl.
I'm really not good at words of comfort and I won't try saying something intelligent. Pok, just want you to know that I'll always be here for you. When you're ready to go out, let's have dinner together? With Peng? Girls, I miss you. Take good care of yourselves alright?
Posted by
8:26 AM
Friday, June 8, 2007
mindless rantings part 2
Haven't had the time to blog these few days. My internship is killing me. I spend more than 12 hours at work each day and I'm made to do horrid stuff because it's my orientation week! Someone please help me find a better internship? I would really love a pure advertising and marketing job! I will be eternally grateful if you can save me from sore feet, lack of sleep, lack of social life!!!
I fell sick today and for the first time, I'm glad I came down with a high fever and horrible sniffles. I got to watch HANA KIMI again, on you-tube! I adore how hilarious Ella's is in the drama. I think I have a slight crush on Ella's friend. Weird eh, especially when he's the goofy, unglam one. I think I've always had a soft spot for the guys like him. Actually I think I tend to pay attention to the quiet boy in class or the smallest unloved dog at the corner. I like dynamic people with charisma but it has got to be quiet charisma! Oh that reminds me, the other day i was with my colleague in the left and we saw this ubercuteohsodroolworthy guy. He was tall, tanned, had great shoulders and that simple, clean hairdo. He had a goatee too! My previous boss would say that he's the swimmer type( in his cute japanese accent) . I think I do. He looked quiet and intimidatingly gorgous! Anyways, my colleague, Huiling made my day when we stepped out of the lift. She said hey I think he was checking you out. He kept sneaking glances at you in the lift. Ohmygoodness! I was doing the same to him! It's not an every day thing that you meet a 1.8 m tall, tanned guy packed with possibly a washboard stomach, dreamy shoulders, defined chest and that stylish goatee. He didn't even try hard enough! He was dressed for work in a black polo shirt and black pants! totally INVERSE!!! he's cute alright!
I have this tendency to jump from one topic to another. Pardon me for my temporary insanity. Back to Hana Kimi. It's the bestestbestbestbest drama for the moment. Ella makes you laugh and cry. You'll love it if you're a full house addict! (oooOO I adore Rain in fullhouse)
Someone please save me from my misery! I don't want to work! I want to watch Rain's concert instead..and i think i can do it today!! (cause I'm free!!) but first... let me get back to conquering my hana kimi ! -kiss kiss-
Posted by
9:32 PM
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
mindless rantings

Posted by
1:17 AM
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Fantastic Four sighted at the zoo!!
Another cheesy title! I'm sorry!! I just can't help it!
Fantasticfun time at the zoo: guest starring- Jo, Monster and darling Louis!

My lappie is finally working! Back to blogging at the comfort of my room! Louis miraculously saved my lappie! -big toothy smile- Hello world! I've got great stuff to show from the zoo!!!!!!!!! I went to the Singapore zoological gardens on thursday, Vesak day. Jo, monster, Louis and I braved the sunny weather in order to visit the ohsoadorable animals at the zoo! I love the cuter species like bears and cuddly mouselike creatures. I want a baby fox as a pet!!! -demonstrates the practised pathetic-ineedaCUTEpetbadly look- hehe. I think it doesn't work! Anyways, monster drove us to the zoo. Thank you for being the ever patient chauffeur! He's a super nice guy.. he carried Jo's stuff without complaints, was half an hour early at our doorstep and even bought delicious curry puffs and springrolls that saved Louis and I when we got hungry from walking around the zoo!

Posted by
12:07 AM