Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The wages of gluttony

Through intensive experimentation, I gather that the wages of guttony is


Especially if you're older and that your excretion system becomes inefficient.

I had a great b'day week and it was packed with the bestest best lunches and dinners. I think people like to feed me to much because my eyes light up when there is food and I transform into a happy person -- acute gluttonities syndrome

However! I think that the effects of becoming older by a year manifests in the efficiency of your large intestines. The muscles probably loosen over time.


I think I will lose 4 kg once I finally clear my bowels.

For the last 5 days, I emptied fibre sachets in warm water for breakfast, hardly eat cause I feel so bloated, exercise for hours and I only consume my greens and fruits.

This is serious matter! If I don't excrete by Friday, I am going to the doctor to down laxatives and faint in the toilet from exhaustion!

On a positive note, I think I'll get a killer body and glowing skin once I do.

I should have a middle name..greedy.. Tye Greedy apt!

In case I die from constipation, I just have to tell you all..every single one of you that I love you and that I would like to have humongous chocolate bars and all sorts of cheesecakes to accompany me in my grave.

Thank you all..I know you love me too!

constipated G

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