My 23rd birthday, what an incredible week. For the whole of last week (I'm really not exaggerating), I met up with different groups of friends for MASSIVE pigging out sessions. I have been so well fed that I'm down with acute constipation! -wails-
Other than my memorable surprise b'day party on Saturday and dinner with my family on Sunday, I had home-made bread pudding + apple cider(cause I don't drink) + roses + strawberries on Monday.
I spent my Tuesday with my favourite boys - the 2C2P gang over a simple dinner at PGP. I have never felt more loved by my project group mates! My entrepreneurial marketing people got me New York cheesecake while the 2C2P boys organised dinner at PGP. They bought the nicest Black Forest B'day cake, custom made a pinky card and got me -gasp- kinky children's playset - a nurse edition!
My camera battery died that night so I'm still waiting for the hilarious pictures we took - kinky nurse patient pictures.
These are the few that I took at the start of the dinner.
With YY - YY and Kanghao organised the dinner and took pains to secretly buy the cake and gifts. Boys, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. The simplicity of dinner despite your busy schedules made me go all warm and fuzzy but your efforts to do so much more for someone you just got to know mean so much so much more.
Jianxing and Shijun..
I love my greens!
I don't think I'm biased. I really got the best deal in class. Awesome guys who work so well together.

Darren and
Jianxing says Darren looks like a player because he wears funky glasses. -grin- Well Darren does get his fair share of attention from girls but he's far from being a player. He is in fact, one of the most charismatic, yet real guy I know. He feels strongly about things and is never one to hold back on what he believes in.

My slice of cake.. I was glowing by then. I was so touched by their gesture!

I'm going to miss
Shijun terribly. He is SUCH A NICE GUY!!!!!!!
YY - the kind of guy a girl would want to be with, stable, sincere, down to earth.. oh but he indulges in World of
Warcraft.. be warned!

The most fashionable guy in the group.
Kanghao, I love our
narcissistic picture taking sessions!

Haha. Jianxing, your reputation is ruined!

The boys insist on this picture - represents the 9 of us!

After dinner, we went over for Waffles at the new cafe in PGP. Boys and pool tables..
To the 2C2P gang:
Guys, I never expected having the greatest time in TR3002 but I did. At the end of the day, it isn't about the grade but the sweetest, most enjoyable journey throughout the course. When I think of 2C2P, I think of our mass gossipy MSN sessions in class, our dynamic but fun project meetings, Jianxing and his BLJ stories, putting in all we've got before our final presentation to the VCs.
I think I'm the envy of all the girls in class, to be in the same group with the nicest people to work with.
Thank you for everything, including the endless teasing of Aung, lap dances..From the bottom of my heart, thank you for making my last semester in NUS special.. :)