Been pretty tied up with dancing lately and I hardly have time for a breather to blog and post my fabulous pictures from Code Edge last weekend, so I'm condensing 3 events into a post! I'll let the pictures do the talking? lovelove :)
Saturday - Code Edge. Supported Margie, Siding, Xilin and of course YUTAKI at Zouk! Even though the price of the ticket was steep, it was worth every cent because the standard of competition was mindblowing!! It was difficult deciding a winner but eventually La Fuse won..Meow!
We sent Flo and Viv off at the airport earlier in the day. They're off to the outbacks of Australia for 3 weeks! Before they left, they surprised Louie and I with our Christmas gifts - homemade tiramisu, a card and a voucher for two at the Fullerton Chocolate Buffet. It was so sweet of the couple...
Our gift

We couldn't resist the aroma of the tiramisu, so we started eating it right smack in the middle of the budget teminal. -grin-

Group shot before they leave
Then it was off to code edge where I met up with the babes from Eusoff. The seniors who graduated came too! It was lovely meeting Naj, Xuewei, Lorraine etc again.
Guess who was the MC of the day..?

-chuckles- Yeap Sheikh Haikel. He got the crowd doing the moment he appeared on stage. He's explosive on stage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here's the winner of the solo competition. Zaihal! He beat Yutaki!!!!!!!! -wails-

La Fuse. Great technique, synchronisation, hot toned bodies, wild concept.. they won the judges over!

Left to Right: Margie, Me, Freda, Claudine

Supper/dinner - Ba Kut Teh!!!

It was so good, I ate two bowls of rice!

Sunday - Good luck Chuck!
I loved what Louie was wearing..something about white shirt and jeans..
Tuesday - Eusoff dance corps performance, a prelude to dance production

With Freda

Claud and Angel :)

With some of the boys.

BBQ after the dance. Marshmallows!

Then the bands took over..

Still shuffling in between intensive Blast camp, Dance production practice and teaching Christmas choreo to the girls. I'll update soon!!!!!!!!!!! lovelove..
Peace out!
now i am craving for tiramisu
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.
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