Thursday, June 11, 2009

Your Grace is Sufficient for Me

Just this Monday, I found out that I was going to lose someone important in my life. Needless to say, I felt empty though I knew nature would take its course.

He made a difference in my life. I wrote a bunch of notes but it'll be buried.

I came to work on Tuesday with a heavy heart but my prayers were answered.

The numbness and pain is slowly dissolving, with abundance of blessings at work.

I enjoy meeting clients, with CFOs and credit managers that buy me coffee and send me emails with hello kitties.

I thank God for sending good people like these who give me extra perseverance at work. Big deals are coming in. I'm truly blessed.


Thank you for blessing me at Church last Sunday. Thank you for Louie who gave me a hug when I broke down and cried because of stress, a very swollen and infected foot, and even contemplated on not coming to Church. I'm glad you gave me a partner that encouraged me because I was bless.

Your Grace is sufficient for me.
Your Strength is made perfect when I am weak
All that I cling to, I lay at your feet
Your Grace is sufficient for me.

1 comment:

AngryAngMo said...

Grace, first the title of your post confused me :))