Wednesday, June 3, 2009

An excellent post from angryangmo - winner of Asia's best blog

Angry ang mo just updated! His post is fabulous on the Top 5 Singapore fashion disasters. I couldn't help but giggle because it's really true!

Just a brief few points from his blog:

That Cap Sits 3 Floors To High
I think that's Louie's pet peeve.

Singlets - Everywhere
Guilty as charged! I wear it for dance practice, for the gym, in Eusoff Hall..:(

Crocs - One Word - Hell
Or maybe this..

Pastel Colors - Yeah, For My Granny!
Haha! I hate pink!

Little Miss What? - That Must Have Been Before My Time
My sister likes this..:( so does my girlfriend..

Here's the link to his blog:

Disclaimer: It's not a blog for the faint hearted Singaporean who cannot accept being poked fun at :)


AngryAngMo said...

Grace, thanks so much, Im still sad I couldnt join you guys :((( Instead i was stuck cleaning up my flat, so great...boooh... Shall we meet sooon for dinner? Ja? Pleease!!!

grace said...

Flo! Congrats! I just read that you won the world blog challenge? Does that mean another holiday!??!? and yes! I miss disturbing you!

Hampton said...

Flo! Congrats! I just read that you won the world blog challenge? Does that mean another holiday!??!? and yes! I miss disturbing you!