Hello World! G is back! I've been so busy with post exam activities that I've neglected blogging for a bit. I'm determined to post something everyday before I fly off to Europe in June! Europe in June!!!!!!!! Yipee!!!!!!!!
I've finally closed a chapter in my life - 4 years in NUS. It feels so.... different. I feel grown up now.. I can't believe I'm 23 and about to embark into a whole new world. Career choices aplenty.. feels kind of surreal somehow..
Okay before I bore you to death with my yakings.. here's 2 long OVERDUE updates.
First up! Final presentation for TR3001 - New Product Development. It went superbly well! All credits go to Shijun, who is our group leader and project manager. Who says leaders can't be too nice?
Went crazy with our rocking chair prototype. Looks raw but it was more than sufficient to demonstrate our new generation rocking chair. It's designed to convert the rocking motion into kinetic energy used to massage our bodies.
Here's Andrew..

Freda being lifted up

Shijun, Zhiquan, Andrew and I decided on a mini dinner celebration at Holland V!

Not exactly a pretty shot but doesn't my dress/top look gorgeous! I love cheery colours and pretty dainty florals! Another dress from The Scarlette!

The team decided on the Zi Char stall, the one with fabulous Sambal Chili. The 4 of us each has a serving of chili to ourselves -grin-. And guess what? We ALL agreed that we can just eat the chili with rice.
Hot plate venison.

Hot plate toufu

Sambal Kangkong - my all time zi char favourite...

Crisp Prawn Paste Chicken..

Sambal stringray!

Tsk tsk.. look at the boys! Fork and Spoon ready in hand..Too ready to eat eh..

Shijun forced me to take the shot.

Tada! The 4 of us!

Freda had dinner with Xiaohui and rejoined us after dinner.

Shijun, the project manager bought us Cold Rock's ice cream!!

This is how they do it..I love watching the mashing of the ice cream..

All the different toppings..

And a pretty shelf! I want!!!!!!

I had such a great time.. I miss my project mates!! -wails-
Next up! Seafood Galore with my beloved Pei Huan after my last paper. I emerged from the exam venue, LT16, only to see this on the walls...

Isn't it so incredibly sweet!!!!!!!!!! Everyone from the LT would have seen it.. Thank you for the lovely surprise my dear!!!!!!!!

Here's my lovely friend..

A few shots at the Biz canteen..

And we headed down to Bugis for our favourite Mango Sago!

Behold our desserts:

That was only the beginning.. After that APPETISER, we cabbed down to the East Coast for some finger licking good time. Redhouse crabs!!!!!!
Waiting patiently for our LARGE CHILI CRAB AND PEPPER CRAB..oh and 6 large mantous!

If only I look this composed when I eat..

My dear girl gets excited when she browses through menus with SEAFOOD!!

You know we had such a blast! Between the both of us, we had 2 LARGE crabs and 6 mantous.. I sneaked a peek at the other tables and found it funny because it was the usual table of 5-6 with sharing one large crab while the 2 of us had 2 humungous crabs to ourselves..wahahahha. I was all too ready to gloat.

The Pepper crab was fingerlickinggastronimicallyyummy!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really!

Pei Huan and I finished every last bit of the crabs and mantous and we were so full..

Similar expressions huh..

Looking all composed and satisfied after our meal.

Pei Huan and I decided to stroll on the beach. I CLEVERLY suggested walking barefooted..only to have our feet bitten by MEAN sandflies.. why you little....
Less than a minute into walking barefooted, Pei Huan and I ended up knocking the sand out of our footwear. SO unglam!

Ended up at Marine Cove and took a few fun pictures!

Just when you think these 2 girls had enough food for the day, we ended up with a large waffle with 3 scoops of ice cream at Gelare!
Pei Huan says: I'm full!!!!!!!!!

But we ended up finishing every last bit anyways..

I actually laughed out loud when I uploaded this classic shot of Pei Huan. Priceless expression.. -chuckles- I laughed really really loud, like a psycho to her computer.
I had such a blast with you. From mango sago, to crabs, to waffles at gelare. You've been such a blessing in my life and I love you. -hugs-
You're one of the best thing that happened in NUS.. And I'm so blessed to have such a caring friend.
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