Keeping my fingers crossed..
Just had a choreographer's audition today. I was really nervous but it helped to see supportive friends like Siding, Margie, Freda, Wing Kit and Meng. Just a semester ago, I had the greatest friends and neighbours. I miss them. It is a painful sort of feeling especially when it comes to things you're so fond of. It's a new semester and my last year at Eusoff. I think it's time to challenge myself to coming up something better than pure dancing. Choreography takes talent, patience, time and determination. I might not have all of them, but I'll work harder, humbly. Looking through my collection of photos, it strucked me how much I miss dancing. Gone are the days where Louie will be there for be every single time I rehearse and compete and gone are the days where I retreat in my safe shell of being a dancer. I have to be independent now. I must must must!!! :) I do hope I get accepted! - crosses fingers, toes, eyes and tongue- teeheehee

wa biang, you are my sexy sweet babe lah! Angelic sweet face and a bag of bones. I like.
you sound suspiciously familiar!!!! Reveal your identity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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