Jessica Alba
My favourite actress, a lethal combintation of sweetness and hotness. The perfect balance! Coincidentally, she has a fondness for bareback dresses and cheery tube dresses. She thinks that her strong back and shoulders are her sexiest features. Perhaps, that's why I adore her? I love her dress sense and I adore clothes that emphasize on my back and shoulders in order not to come across as skanky. I love her outdoorsy attitude and her tan. Oh and those shoes to go with the yellow dress... -raves-
I'm not much for layering. Simplicity and a superb cut will do. A sincere smile that reaches the eyes is the best accessory to any outfit and confidence brings out the flavour.
Jessica Alba is HOT!!!!!!! And I'm straight, thank you! :)

Hey girl!
Can i help you with your blog pic not! I can do a better job lah :x You do yourself one isit! Tsk!
I'm glad your blog's fine now.
Whoever that person is, what goes around comes around!
new look! pm
Hey jo... is my blog that bad? -sobs- help me!
ya pm! is it ugly?
No lah, your blog isn't ugly. But your primary picture looks beginner like! KAKAKAKA!
-wails- i neeedddd your help then!!! I wanted pics that told a story. my family.. my boyfriend.. my loves..:(
Kakakaka :) sure!!! Send me pics online then ^^
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