I couldn't sleep last night so I watched pretty woman. It was probably my 13th time watching my all time favourite movie. :)
Pretty woman pretty much shaped what I thought of as an ideal romance. I never fail to sigh with contentment and pleasure whenever it progresses to the part where Richard Gere appears in his white limo, carrying a black umbrella and attempt at rescuing Julia Roberts from her apartment even though he is afraid of heights. Julia Roberts once told Richard Gere how she would imagine her knight in shining armour rescue her from her evil stepmother.
I think this movie had a huge impact on me. I loved it because Julia Roberts was beautiful, yet simple and down to earth. I adore her unpolished antics. She spreads ketchup on expensive steak, uses colourful "it's so good, I think I peed in my pants" expressions and isn't afraid to own up to what she is.
Richard Gere was delightful. He was desirably manly, looks hot in his tux and most importantly, he changed for Julia Roberts.
Then again, I realised the guys I fall for are generally like Richard Gere.
I remember this scene when he hurt her so badly, Julia Roberts left the apartment without her money because he questioned her integrity. His slimeball of a friend whispered some nonsence and he made her cry by saying rash, insensitive, judgemental words.
I find myself falling for guys like that. I was never attracted to men that catered to my whims and fancies and I don't think I ever will. I detest women who try to play the victim and look helpless . I think every girl should be like Julia Roberts - beautiful because her personality was so strong despite her occupation.
Sometimes, hurtful words said at the spur of the moment cannot be taken aback. The damage is done. I wish I had the power to make myself less vulnerable without retreating to my own shell. I cannot.
Funny thing is, although I'm upset, my stomach just growled so loud that it sounded like I have been starving for months. I'm thinking of bbq chicken wings, yummy porridge, carrot cake and sambal kangkong. I haven't had these in ages since I moved back into hall. This weekend perhaps? There's no better therapy for the heart than family time over hearty Singaporean food :)