Louie's new car!
Louis bought a new car! A white Mazda 3 hatchback. It looks really good! I'm happy not because we get to travel further or because things are more convenient now, but I'm happy because Louis will be able to have more rest! Watching him lose weight due to stress at work, hardly having time for meals makes my heart wrench.
Just to gloat. I was his first passenger!!! - big happy grin- He came after a long tiring day at work and drove me to chomp chomp after my gym session. I love you dearie!!

Thank you for service on Sunday. Thank you for Pei Huan who came early to queue up in order to get seats for my whole family. Thank you for Alethea and Louis who came.
Your boyfriend is one lucky guy
Thanks -blush- he's very nice to me :)
WOOTS! one lucky woman you! imagine when ure tired and hes being nice, you get to be driven around! hey baby call me when u see this. the photoshoot thingy is confirmed on 1 & 2 sep after ur church visit. hugs! potatomate
-big grin- I can't wait for the weekend to come!!!!!!! xoxo
woots! we take great pics tog babe! the 3 of us! thanks for being my model again lovelove :D
Yup I had fun at your place potato mate!! :) We DEFINITELY need to do lunch/dinner soon..with Ian! Now that you've met Louie, I have to see IAN!!
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