Bintan Trip - Part 2
More updates and pictures! We didn't get to dive as there were problems with the resort's BCD. We went snorkelling instead! -gasp- fishes...... I refused to feed the fishes because they'll swim up to me and I have a fear of fishes! Snorkelling in Bintan isn't all that fantastic, the visibility and species of fishes were rather limited. You pay a lot for it so I would suggest renting the snorkelling equipment and kayaking to your own spot to snorkel!

My very first attempt at wakeboarding in the open sea.

Luxurious pool sessions with mocktails, finger-licking good food!

Pictures from Trikora Beach. A place more for the locals...

Then it was dinner at Pasa Oleh Oleh before we left Bintan. A simple, less pricey meal of seafood fried rice and sambal kangkong...
My experiment with big, full shots for my blog. Would this be better than the smaller ones?
I like your beach babe style. Smokin'
thanks for the compliment! -big happy grin-
yeah! as you can see the big full shots has already gotten you a compliment *wink*
-blush blush- ok thnx!!!! so embarrassing!
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