Saturday, July 14, 2007

Simple pleasures

Nope! This isn't my new boyfriend. Introducing Desmond. He's a colleague of Louis and we were trying hard to portray the rich husband and obedient wife from older times, except that it came out looking nothing like that. Desmond used to stay in the same hall in NUS and he's hilarious! Desmond loved to tease Pei Huan and me mercilessly.. it's so nice to see him again! He's looking a lot better!!


Louis looked adorable today. He had the best shirt on at dinner. Oh I forgot to mention!! Dinner was at Chevron's. It's an anniversary celebration dinner for his company. The programmes weren't too interesting cause it was mainly catered for army boys.. the dance put up by 4 skimpily dressed girls weren't choreographed nor synchonised. It was mainly parading in tiny outfits and gyrating their bodies with the music, occasionally mingling with the audience. I guess the programmes lined up weren't really my cup of tea but Louis more than made up for it. He looked so cute!!!! His stylish shirt coupled with stripped greyish black pants gave a polished yet droolworthy look. Talking to the boys under Louis wasn't too bad too. I enjoyed myself..I wasn't used to hearing his "men" calling him Sir though.. it's kinda cool actually..cause to me. He's just a guy I love and we enjoy a certain closeness.

After dinner, we decided not to join the guys at Zouk but head down to Serangoon gardens to have a drink. I really enjoyed the short but pleasant time we had at Cartel's. And it's times like these that reminds me on how much I love this guy... -smiles-

Anyways, before I make everyone gag from's some random pictures I took!

I'm so sleepy!! But before I go, I have to gloat!! It's a mustmustmust. I'm watching Harry Potter in JB with Anna, Vivian and Herbert tomorrow!!!! AND we're going to have famous seafood for dinner!!! Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! -bounce bounce bounce-


Anonymous said...

Ur bf is so a lucky dude

grace said...

thanks a lot..;) Actually, he's very nice to me ..I'm very blessed too..

Anonymous said...

ooi! This is ur 'rich husband'. Send me the pics of tat night leh.