WheeEeEE! My haven!
p.s As much as I love Jo's tight ass, I am not smelling it!

I had a lovely lovely lovely day! Louis went to new creation church with me today. Peihuan dear was still her cheerful, supportive and talkative self. She came early to keep us company at serivce today. Thank you so much dear! After church, Louis brought Jo and I to the pet farm at Pasir Ris. It's such a happyfuntakeawayallyourtroublesandsadness place! There are different breeds of all sizes running about happily. They interact with each other, play, jump into the pool, get baths, participate in mini games. All the pets win something at the end of the day. Pasir Ris pet farm is catered for dogs - a weekend thing for dog owners to bring their darlings to chill out and interact. We were there for an hour but time seemed to pass so fast! I didn't want to leave the dogs! I had so much fun interacting with the dogs, some being ultra friendly. We had to leave though cause we were rushing to support monster at his gig. My darling sister wanted to surprise monster and she did! It was sweet. All this couldn't be possible if it wasn't for you..the man behind all the hard work! -big big hug-
I felt loads better after yesterday's cry. You didn't need to take me to the pet farm but you did anyway! Thank you so much! I won't forget how sweet it is... Thank you everyone for caring... pok, for your e-mail. I miss talking to you..and I'm glad you're coming back in a few hours' time. Pei huan, thank you for simply being one of the best pals I've made in Uni life. All that raving about finding out perfect electric blue and cobalt blue dress! ( It's our favourite colour at the moment) By the way, if you see a gorgeous electric/cobalt blue dress that's absolutely gorgeous, please call me! I'm so into this season's colour.. bright, flattering and ohsotodiefor, this season's colour is a must have! it's flattering for Asians. I hope I can shop for an electric/cobalt blue mini toga dress (I'm fine with mini tube dresses or sundresses or mini spag dresses) as long as it's in the droolicious colour! Pei huan was saying she'll pair it with a black leather belt..but I think, paring it with a unique brown, vintage leather belt would be stunning. OooOOOOooo I just have to rave about it. I LOVELOVELOVE the combination of electric/cobalt blue with yellow.. so infectious! Time to shop ladies! I'm free this week! Oh I sound horribly carried away.. okay not sound but I AM... back to my almosttooperfect day..... awwwww here's more photos of the dogs!

haha, i was quietly anticipating the kind of entry you would do for today. and it was a great relief that you had a great day. the smiles in the pictures showed everything! you have special people in your life la ,and since we dont own a magic crystal ball to see what tml holds, we might as well appreciate the special people around and live our lives with a happy smile. oh and if the pain ever gets back, just pray. they say an angel will hold you when you cry, i dont know about that, but its worth a try, right?
keep dancing!
-hugs- Thank you so much for caring. I really feel so much better after last week. You're right, after crying, I do feel better. I did pray and it helped so much. Yesterday I prayed when clouds gathered. I prayed it wouldn't rain so that I could see the dogs and it didn't! Thank God for it. Thank God for you too, for caring. He sent you to be someone for me, thank you for that. Would you like to come to church with me sometime? And yes I'm going to dance for an event company soon! :) Come watch if you can :)
He does do things in mysterious ways sometimes. its the first time i really ever read a post on a random blog i somehow stumbled upon. mostly i would just thru pictures. and oh, its quite dangerous for you to invite me to dance and church with you! you hardly know me and i might be some horrible pervert behind it all! seriously i would love to see your dance performance but it will be awkward cos i hardly know you to, not that i have a thing against making friends, but its a little funny making friends thru the net. maybe we can msn and then you'll decide if im a horrible pervert with a secret agenda! have a great day.
oh my gosh..I thought you were my friend jiahe. I'm so sorry..you must think I'm a pervert
oh no im sorry! i thought i made myself clear that i was blog hopping! sorry sorry sorry. i think im the pervert here peering into your life secretly!
-laughs- no la, I doubt it. If it were my secret life, I wouldn't blog would I? Sometimes penning down your thoughts, especially when you're sad, helps. Sometimes. you want to share the best things in the world! Thank you so much for being so nice, though you hardly know me :)
hey its no problem at all. in fact i dun even know u at all, it was just awfully heartbeaking when i read it. i could only offer words and its really easy to type things like "BE STRONG!". "TAKE CARE" etc etc took me a just a few secs, haha. but seriously, i just thought i needed to say something comforting, . anyway its albarnlee@hotmail.com if u still want to invite me to ur dance event or just someone to talk rubbish with. ha, it really doesnt matter. have a good nite
Thanks jh :) Yup definitely will. Dance is like the best thing ever. it leaves you exhilarated.. it gave me tonnes of confidence. Yup if you have friends into dance, you can bring them along!
yeah im always impressed with people who can do wonders with their body, i guess when u do something well , it gives u confidence. i never really understood it, the styles and genres. maybe you can teach me a thing or two, yeah, oh that email is for my msn too. this is silly ive been refreshing ur blog. i hope im not annoying you.
Nope you're not. After all you've done, being so nice and encouraging, reminding me to come back to God.. annoying would not be how I feel, more like happy to get to know you. I feel so embarrassed about the sappy entries though.. you must think I'm super EMO! eeks!
haha,no la we have our emo moments and its ur blog la! silly. nice knowing you too. its not the best way to know someone but still nice
hmm I guess so huh? haha. Alrighty. Do you have a blog too? I wonder if somehow we have a mutual friend in common!
ha, no blog. wanted one to keep my thoughts and all, but guess i let it pass in the end. im old fashioned, i rather write it down. i think we might have mutual friends in common, i have a feeling. anyway very funny new entry. i acutally enjoy reading your blog now.
Well ya it was hilarious. I didn't get the situation at first. I thought I had to edit the scripts or something to prove my worth as an intern. But it turned out to be something else. Blogging is fun!I think I'm terribly old-fashioned too. I was an utterhopelesstechnophobe. If you ever start a blog, you've got to let me know! Would you like to act? -evil grin-
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