More pictures!
Dumdeedeedum! More pictures from DU' 08, kindly uploaded by Weina. The gorgeous girls - Xilin, Siding, Margie!
Dumdeedeedum! More pictures from DU' 08, kindly uploaded by Weina. The gorgeous girls - Xilin, Siding, Margie!
Posted by
7:02 PM
I met Pei Huan at the business canteen today!
Dear Lord, thank you for keeping my friend safe and happy.
I miss you girl! Next galore..-hugs-
Posted by
3:23 AM
Hey everyone,
Please vote for Jasmine, my sister. She's in the semis of Stardust 2008! The votes contribute to a percentage of the score. She has worked really hard for it. You can view the website and listen to her singing in the clip. The semis will be held on Friday so please vote for her till then!
It takes about a minute to sign up for a quaffs account and you can start voting! Thank you so much! Here's the address
The stardust website for voting:
Natalie!! This is for you! Florian's blog :
hahaha.. creative name for a blog eh?
Posted by
6:39 AM
Tada!!! Dance Uncensored 2008 marks my very last performance for Eusoff Hall, and probably my last performance before I graduate. Might be doing a show in August, but for now, my full attention will be directed at projects, term papers and my final examinations. I'm going to miss the rehearsing but I'd still be going for dance lessons at the studios :)
I had such a great time with the girls, especially since Margie, Siding and Xilin came back to perform as well. These girls never fail to make my day.
Louie came for the 1st show and waited for the 2nd show to end. He was at UCC at 2pm, delivered bubble tea for everyone, watched the 1st show, drove us to Vivo to buy Justis' gift in between and waited till the 2nd show ended. I was so touched. He was being so supportive and I love him more than ever for that. We had our annual DnD the night before. Imagine hanging out till wee hours in the morning and dragging yourself out of bed for the tech run at UCC. Early in the morning at 9 am. Pale and hungry.. I was up at 7 30am!
Evidence of how tired we were. Freda slept for only an hour the night before.
The boys hard at work. Warming up for the tech run. Andrew Putra and Andrew Boey :)
Time to doll up! Margie, Siding and I combined efforts to do up Xilin's hair. I adore how girls unite to help prettify each other.
Margie, you look adorable here! Your eyes are sparkling!
Tada, look at the effect of curls.. Sexy!
Posted by
5:49 AM
I am up early! I'm early.. I'm EARLY!!!
I am determined not to be late for class today.
I will be seated 5 mins prior class.
I will not make my professor give a painful speech about tardiness and disruption to class.
It's drizzling, such lovely weather for snoozing.
Posted by
8:02 AM
Tada!! Something to put your saliva glands to a hyperactive mode perhaps?
-grin- I had the bestest best best Saturday with Joy, Louie, Flo and the Martina gang. Joy and I planned to meet up at Fullerton in pretty dresses for some girlish fun. We wanted to take lots and lots of pictures and we did, from the buffet spread to posing in the washrooms.. -chuckles- Joy is game enough for anything! She's the sort of girl you'll be proud of to have as a friend. She's a model, has an adventurous sense of fashion, fun to hang out with, yet warm and sincere. You'll not hesitate to open up to her. Mind you, she can be intimidating because she's so capable. I got to know her through the L'Oreal brandstorm competition last year and we've been friends since then!
Chermaine and Crystel(Chermie's sister) joined us at about 9ish and we went gaga over the amazing bread pudding with vanilla sauce. It really is the best I've ever had! Thumbs up for the chocolate buffet!
Louie and Flo picked us up in a cab and we went over to Zouk. I'm not into clubbing but I had such a great time with the Martina club members! Just in case you're wondering what the Martina club is.. Flo founded it. It's a recreational club that brings people together and we do brunches, sports, chill one etc together! Very nice I would say :) A shot without flash. Elegant, dim lighting..
Louie picked me up from Eusoff. I missed him and seeing him made me feel all warm and fuzzy..
Posted by
5:42 AM