Sunday, March 13, 2011

Flutters of Delight

I never considered myself hilarious, even remotely funny. I laugh easily and find the smallest things amusing, thus enjoying the delightful companionship of wit and humour.

Today I am different.

I made someone laugh out hard and long because.....

G: (adamantly declares) I'm Not Naggy! I'm the least naggy person alive.
X: (bursts out laughing uncontrollably. breathes. laughs again)
X: Women nv think they are. That's why they nag.

Hmm. Quite True.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

to my refuge

I've finally mustered enough courage to revisit my past. Back to my blog where I've tried to shut down and forget.

I guess I've truly moved on to a happier place, where reading my past entries bring back bittersweet memories.

I've yet to have time to revamp this space but I shall do so over the next weekend, and it shall be filled with more of the fun and laughter I've been experiencing.

I'm back today because something made me laugh. I wanted to share it and I thought of my long forgotten blog, and all the lovely things I could still be sharing with everyone.

So I shall. I will. I must.

Hello World!