Sunday, December 14, 2008

Les Chattes


Hello World! I apologise for the lack of diligence in blogging! I've been so busy juggling work, dancing and the dance competition I was in. To all my beloved friends who voted for me, thank you! I hope the phone bills aren't too high. -winces-

Introducing Les Chattes! To the French speaking compatriots, I know it means pussy! It wasn't supposed to be!! -grrr- My dance partner Renae, asked a mutual friend of ours, Francois on what cats are called in French. He jokingly said Les Chattes, jolly well knowing that it meant pussy instead of cats. Renae thought he was serious and Viola! LES CHATTES.. that was how we got our team name :)

Renae and I were determined to win the competition and put in all we've got. Practices after work, putting our costumes together... hours and hours spent honing the steps and changing choreography after receiving constructive comments from those who have seen it.. it gave it all we've got and though we came in 2nd, I've got not an ounce of regret.

On the big day, the 2 guys who have been with Renae and me all the way - Our handsome friend Flo, the angry ang mo of Singapore.

And the guy who has held my hand every step of the way, encouraging me when I'm most tired, spending hours to help edit my music, and my driver and waterboy.. - Louis.

Tada!!! Les Chattes !!!

At Shangri La hotel..

Receiving our prizes.. At that moment, I was struggling to smile cause I knew the first prize was between us the 4th team.. we had a shot.. it was a close fight. Then again $1000 for 2nd ain't that bad and I won much more. I had my boyfriend cheering me on, my wonderful German friend, Flo who came despite being sick.. and Renae and I got even closer in through the practices that stretched for 3 months since our first audition.

Guess who I met? Maverick!!!!! He's one of my favourite gentle giant Pei Huan and I met at class in NUS. He told me he votes 100 times for our team until his mobile gave up on him..-chuckles- Thank you Mav!Went for a birthday party after the competition. I looked was 1 am! Ever since I've started work, I hardly last beyond midnight.. -cheesy grin- BUT I totally recovered after the house party cause Louie brought Renae and I to my favourite Bak Ku Teh!!! I realised I was really really hungry... You tend to forget your hunger when you're dancing and you ignore the pleas of your tummy when you're tired. For the record, I can eat 2 bowls of rice whenever I'm at the place. I can't remember the name of the shop but it's pretty near I call it Zouk Ba kut teh.. SATISFACTION.mmmm....

Yay! I've successfully blogged. Will try to upload the video soon! Have to bug Louis for it. OOh and I should really let Flo guess fun!!!
Sorry boys, but I'm going to get all mushy again. Warning.. leave the page because it's going to get really really REALLY mushy..
Thank you for being here for me. Despite everything that has happened, you've never been anything other than supportive.
And I've come to realise that despite my imperfections, you're perfect for me because you see beyond all that.
I love you very very much.