Monday, March 19, 2007

A3 divas

The A3 girls, from left clockwise : Siding, Lorraine, Shuting, Amanda, Me and Carol

My infectious neighbour, shuting

Margie's dancers!
Was feeling a little nostalgic after going through the pictures in my computer and decided to pen my thoughts here. I've moved from Sheares to Eusoff Hall for nearly a year now. Initially, I was apprehensive about the new change of environment, mostly because I felt it would be difficult to make new friends on A3 (seniors block). When I came over, I was intimidated by the girls. They had this cool demeanour. Being either superb dancers or sportswomen or the lethal combination of both, my A3 girls had this natural "look at me" flair about them.
  1. There's Siding who has the dancer's X-factor and is one heck of a sportswomen.
  2. Then there's Jane who is fiercely independent and cool.
  3. Lorraine's a sweetheart with her gorgeous smile.
  4. Shuting's just purely infectious and she makes you laugh
  5. Qingmei's an individual who commands attention with her hilarious comments
  6. Yuimin's a born actress ( Dance production :) )
  7. Amanda, though petite, is big on style
  8. Carol's a self-declared tomboy but really, she's not!

These girls are not only head-turners bout they're big on personality as well. After a year on A3, I can't imagine having any other neighbours. Because most of them are graduating and some aren't staying next semester, I'm going to miss the whole noisy bunch of them.

It's funny how we don't seem to treasure things around us until we start to miss their existence and start valuing them. Girls, if you ever happen to read this entry, I have to say a big thank you for the precious memories you've given me since i moved into Eusoff. Things just wouldn't be the same without you. I sincerely hope that even afer we graduate and move on with our careers and perhaps families, we'll still keep in touch.

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